Is There a Way to Turn Off Easy Combos in Unist
Actions & Battle System
All of the characters in "Under Night In-birth Exe:Late" share the same basic movement commands and action, allowing players to more easily experiment with multiple characters.
* All commands listed here assume the character is facing to the right.
*For ↘、↖、↙、↗, please press both directional buttons at the same time (↘=↓・→).
Forward / Back→ ・ ←
Press →・← to either go forward or backward.
To crouch, press ↓.
Jump↖ ・↑ ・ ↗
If you press ↑ your character will jump.
Dash / Back step→→ or → + A + B・←← or ← + A + B
Rapidly press →→ to dash forward.
If you quickly press ←← you will back step.
Normal AttacksA ・ B ・ C
Press the A button for weak attacks. For medium attacks, press the B button. For strong attacks, press the C button.
The type of attack that will be triggered will depend on whether you are standing, crouching, or jumping. Combining the different attacks with the directional buttons will open a plethora of different attacks.
The required inputs for special attacks will change depending on the character being used.
EXS ActionD or any directional buttons + D
The type of action unleashed will depend on which directional buttons is used in tandem with the D button.
Passing LinkPress the three main attack buttons in any order, such as A→B→C
Depending on the character being used, pressing the attack buttons in various sequences can lead to combination attacks.
By inputting a normal command when an attack connects, you can continue to inflict damage on your opponent.
Smart SteerRepeatedly press the A→A→A
If you connect with a weak attack while on the ground, you can trigger a combo by continuing to mash the A button.
Guard↙ ・ ← ・ ↖
You can block your opponent's attacks.
ThrowA + D or ← + A + D or → + A + D
Press A + D or ← + A + D or → + A + D to grab and then throw your opponent.
You can throw even while guarding.
RecoveryHold down the A or B or C button
Hold down A or B or C button when knocked back or into the air to recover.
Special AttacksInput specific commands
Each character has unique special attacks. Triggering these attacks not only results in spectacular visual effects, but also stupendous amounts of damage.
Please check the character page for details about special attacks.
Veil Off(Over 100% EXS) A + B + C
Activating this will temporarily increase your attack power. In addition, the shockwave triggered upon activation can knock your opponent back.
Cross Cast Veil Off(EXS100+VORPAL State+ During Attack) A + B + C
During the Veil Off state, it is easy to combo EX moves.
Infinite Worths can also be activated during Cross Cast Veil Off by pressing A + B + C
Force FunctionB + C
This is a character-specific special attack. When you trigger it, you will deplete your GRD.
Guard Thrust(during Vorpal or While guarding during Vorpal) ↓↙← + D
Counter during a guard with an invincible attack. Even while not in the Vorpal state it can be used when your EXS Gauge is over 100%, but a GRD Break will occur upon its activation.
EXS Actions
ConcentrationHold down the D button
Increase your GRD gauge while decreasing your opponent's GRD gauge.
Assault→ + D (midair also)
Move closer to your opponent with a quick jump. It is possible to execute attacks during an Assault.
Chain Shift(while Vorpal) D → D (midair also)
Converts GRD into EXS. It leaves little opportunity for attack by cancelling the preceding action.
Shield↙ or ← or ↖ + D (midair also)
Creates a powerful barrier that greatly diminishes the damage taken from an attack. Successfully guarding with the Shield will cause a significant increase in your GRD Gauge.
Advanced Actions
Special AttacksSpecific directional inputs + A or B or C
Perform a special attack. Refer to the characters' move lists in-game for more information.
Dash Attackwhile dashing → + B or C
Perform a special attack while dashing.
Increasewhen performing specific attacks, hold A or B or C
The strength of an attack can be increased by holding down the applicable button to charge it. Each character has unique normal and special attacks.
Throw Escapewhen grabbed A + D
Escape from your opponent's throw attempt.
Guard Shieldwhile guarding ↖ or ← or ↙ + D
Creates a barrier that is much more effective than standard blocking, allowing you to ride out the storm in anticipation of your next attack.
EXS Attackswhen EXS Gauge is over 100%, input specific command + C
A type of attack that is far more powerful than a character's special attack. For specific commands, please refer to each character's move list in the game.
Infinite WorthDuring Veil Off OR when EXS Gauge is at 200% ←↙↓↘→ + D
An ultra-powerful attack that can be executed during Veil Off, or by consuming a full EXS Gauge.
Infinite Worth EXS Press A + B + C + D once the requirements are met
Triggers a character's ultimate special move. It can only be executed when your own vitality is 30% or lower (colored red) and when your EXS Gauge is at 200%.
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